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A close up of the headstone for lechner
A headstone for franklin and betty hoover
A stone monument with the name of arno and bess albrecht.
A grave marker for the two people who died in the crash.
A grave marker with a deer and tree on it.


Today, more and more people are making their memorial choices ahead of time as part of their estate planning process. There are countless good reasons for doing so.

  • A memorial should be a joint decision
  • A memorial is the most enduring thing you will ever purchase
  • Your monument should reflect your life, interests, beliefs, and accomplishments.
  • Selecting a memorial together avoids placing the burden on your loved one during an emotional time when making good decisions is often very difficult.
  • Your family and friends will have a way to remember you from generation to generation.

Gold Seal Guarantee
Archie Monument & Stone, Inc. guarantees to the original purchaser of this memorial that the granite is free from defects and that the memorial has been inspected and approved under strict guidelines.

This guarantee is valid for the life of the original purchaser and their heirs. Also to the cemetery in which the memorial has been placed.