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Archie Monument & Stone Inc
Archie Monument & Stone Inc
Archie Monument & Stone Inc

Other Specialty Products

Our specialty products are for those looking for a unique product. We offer a wide array of sizes, shapes, designs, and colors. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Let our artisans work with you to find the perfect specialty items.

  • Custom Granite Business Signs: have your company name and logo engraved onto a custom granite sign and create a lasting first impression for your customers
  • Bricks and Tiles: Archie Monuments has provided tiles, bricks, and pavers to assist clubs and communities in raising funds for special projects. Service clubs, hospitals and schools have been very successful in selling bricks and tiles with the donor’s name and message on them. The opportunities are there for you to do the same. Contact Us for references and ideas.
  • Granite Vases and Urns: Archie Monuments offers a wide array of accessories that will enhance and beautify your memorial. Floral vases can be added to the bases of most of our headstones and markers in matching granite or bronze. View it in the photo gallery.
  • Custom Granite Signs & Numbers for Homes: We are often asked by homeowners and contractors to provide custom granite signs for house numbers or subdivision projects. These signs range from small granite pieces to boulders that sit at the property entrance.